

Health systems in the world face enormous and unprecedent challenges. Ageing population, new technologies, new health crises, increased cost and increased population expectations are all pressures on Governments and Health providers. Organisations have to adapt, transform and innovate to be able to ensure effective and efficient healthcare to growing population.

At For Better Health, we work with Governmental, charity and private establishments to ensure robust leadership and strong organisations. Our work is based on worldwide sounds models and our experts have the knowledge and expertise that respond to the environment you exist and the population you serve.

Patient Pathways

Not one system or organisation work for all. Establishing patients’ pathways that ensure efficient and effective care for a population has been well recognised model of care.

At For Better Health, we have established patient pathways that extend from primary care to post tertiary care ensuring continuity of care, timely, and cost effective of each intervention.  We have also established INTEGRATED patients’ pathways for chronic diseases such as Hypertension, diabetes and respiratory diseases.

We have expertise in making patients’ flow leaner and service streamlines.


Whether it is a Government or private Hospital, your operations should be as effective and efficient as possible to ensure offer quality care to your patients and keep your cost to minimum. Your human resources are your wealth as well as your most expensive asset. Therefore, ensuring good function of your services and optimising your workforce are the most important pillars of your operation. At For Better Health, we diagnose each service of your establishment and we optimise its operation.


At For Better Health, we help you to have a clear strategy of your establishment that serve your patients and their needs and make sense to your workforce. Your expenditure on the expensive medical equipment must ensure a healthy return while it serves well patients.

 We help you to formulate your mission and your purpose. Therefore, ensuring good operation, establishing leaner patients’ pathways, ensuring clear roles and responsibilities of staff and leads guarantee efficiency of your services.

Quality and certification

We base our work on National and Internationals standards. We adapt practices derived from well-developed healthcare systems that are regulated and monitored by highly advanced bodies such as: Haute Autorité de Santé, France, Commission of Quality Care, UK and ISO Certification.

We support you in setting up the procedures and protocols, train your staff and ensure changes are operationalised.

Training & Continuous Professional Development

For Better Health Academy provides a range of training for doctors, nurses and other Health Professionals. Our training programme include technical and non-technical skills, and it is delivered at workplace, classrooms, distant learning or on our state-of-the-art e-learning platform.

Most of our training is certified by local and International bodies and is embedded within a continuous development programme.

Coaching and Mentoring

Most of great leaders have benefited at least once from a coach or a mentor. Professional coaching is well established as a tool of development and enhancing people potential. This is a well-established fact in sport and big corporations.

Our Coaches practise in Healthcare organisations and have great knowledge of the challenges and opportunities within sector.

Our coaching sessions are delivered through For Better Health Academy E-learning platform.

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